The pre-registration for Battleground India has started on 18 May 2021. The registration page of the game goes live in India on playstore. You can also register for the game now.
The release date of the game is yet not confirmed but is speculated at early June. Battleground mobile India is a completely made-for-Indian audience game. The player would also get some exclusive reward on download the game. Although the game will offer the same experience as the Pubg Mobile game. But the company was afraid of the players referring to it as Pubg Mobile because of getting banned.
How to Pre-register Battleground Mobile India ?
1. Head to Google playstore.
2. Search for Battleground Mobile India (Registration link).
3. Open it.
4. Click on pre-register.
5. Tap install when available.
That’s it. You have successfully pre-registered for the game. You will get notified when the app is available to install on the playstore.
What’s different in Battleground mobile India ?
The game will provide the same experience as the Pubg Mobile but with minor changes that are being made due to government policies. Everything from game physic to visuals will be similar as Pubg Mobile expect the player behaviour and looks.
Also there will be some major changes regarding the age groups and payment system. The players under 18 years will now can not play the game for over 3Hrs and they should also provide the phone no of their parents to the game in order to play. Also players under 18 year can not make purchases over Rs 7000 in one day.