So, I have a youtube channel and it’s monetized. And I fealt that the youtube earnings have suddenly increses , wait I am telling you the reason also but we are here to talk about increase in youtube earnings last month of July the earning were common and not showing increase or decrease but in this current month of August a sudden increase in youtube earnings is shown that’s because if the festivals and moments comming this month. There is a festival of rakshabandhan and more due to which the advertisers came to youtube saying show my ad and promote my products. That’s why the earnings have gradually increses. You have also felt increases in the earning tell e in the comment section.
   If you’re monetizing on YouTube, it’s important that your channel follows YouTube monetization policies, which include YouTube’s Community Guidelines , Terms of Service, Copyright, and Google AdSense program policies. These policies apply to anyone in, or looking to apply to, the YouTube Partner Program. Learn more about why we enforce channel monetization policies.
If you want to monetize videos with ads, they must also meet our Advertiser-friendly content guidelines.
Here’s a quick overview of each major policy. Make sure you read each policy thoroughly, as these policies are used to check if a channel is suitable to monetize. Our reviewers regularly check to see if monetizing channels follow these policies. Learn more about how we enforce our policies.