How to Purchase UC in Pubg Mobile After Ban From Playstore ?
So, after the ban of Pubg Mobile in India you cannot update the pubg mobile also you can install it from the Playstore, whether I did a video on it that how you can install the pubg mobile from official Playstore you can watch that video below.
But with the ban of Pubg Mobile and after it is being removed from the Playstore you are also not able to do in game purchases in the pubg mobile game. That mean you can’t buy UC from the Google Playstore credits or by the Playstore purchase system.
Many of you guys are asking me on my youtube channel that how we can purchase UC from the Google Play Credits. But here one thing I want to clear is that you can’t buy the uc from the google play credit or from Playstore purchase methods. Thai is because the pubg ban. With the removal of the pubg mobile app from the Playstore the government also disabled or banned it’s in game purchase system.
How to Buy Pubg Mobile UC After Ban ?
   Here You can’t buy the UC using the google pay methods ( Google Playstore or Play Credits ).
But there is a way by which you can buy the UC in Pubg Mobile , that is by Midas Buy, Midas Buy offers you to purchase the in game uc in Pubg Mobile. they have there site from where you can purchase the in game UC in Pubg Mobile. Just go to and there you have a lot of purchase options from where you can use any method to purchase UC.
More details will be available soon.